

Whether shipping domestically within the United States or shipping internationally, we understand our customers want to know when their order will arrive. Get all the answers and necessary information you need about our shipping policies in one convenient location!


Standard US Shipping is Free

Place your order and leave the shipping charges to us. Free shipping is available in the US and generally takes 5-7 days.

Place your order day or night and receive in 2-3 business days.

Place your order by 12 Noon MST and receive in two business days.

Place your order by 12 Noon MST and receive the next business day.


Use the delivery chart to determine when your order will arrive. Note that UPS/FedEX do not deliver on Sundays or holidays and that federal observed holidays may impact the delivery of your order.

Should you have special circumstances and need your order sooner, please contact us at 1-877-723-7229, by email at or via online chat. We will do all we can to assist you.


We do offer international shipping at Jewelry Keepsakes. The countries we ship to are listed below and note that shipping rates are calculated at checkout.

What you need to know with regards to international shipping:

  • The destination country might impose tax or duty charges before releasing the package to you.
  • In addition to charging a duty, if your package is stopped at customs, IT WILL DELAY THE SHIPMENT.
  • If an order is refused due to customs importation charges, and the order is sent back, Jewelry Keepsakes may charge the method of payment for the initial order for the shipping cost to the destination country and return to our facility.
  • Note that any charges incurred or delays that happen due to the recipient's Customs Department, Jewelry Keepsakes Inc. is NOT responsible for those charges or for the delay in delivery.

Find additional shipping information on Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand below.

If you have additional questions with regards to shipping policies or any other information about our products, ordering and more, please don't hesitate to contact us! We can be reached via our toll-free phone number 1-877-723-7229, via email at or via online chat.

Updated April 2, 2020 by Jeri K. Augustus